Who is Half The Magic. and why don’t they stick to one genre?

Bazil is a budding, melody loving producer from Uganda, East Africa.

Linz grew up beatboxing, freestyling, writing poetry and plugging in DJ gear on the East Coast and in Colorado.

They met in Gulu, Uganda while teaching technology at a summer camp for educators, youth, and the blind community. At the time they just thought they were meeting yet another wonderfully chill person (there were sooooo many of these types of people at the camp).

Fast forward ten years later (Lindsay continued to visit and teach on and off through out this time) and they realized that they both enjoyed learning to produce music. Through the magic of the internet tin cans they worked together to put together what would be the first finished album for both of them, released in August of 2024.

Sonically Lindsay is all over the place, and Bazil helps provide wisdom so that the magic doesn’t get too weird and experimental. (He’s still gonna be out there no matter what.) Bazil leans more towards EDM, pop and traditional East African music while Linz enjoys underground hip hop, soundscapes, jazz and DJs that many people have never heard.

…what’s going on in the future:

Bazil is a little frustrated with his music making setup right now. He’s blind so accessibility is an issue, luckily a few different DAWs are moving towards more support for the blind. It’s our hope to build a recording studio for the blind community in East Africa that Bazil will lead. It makes sense, after all, we met at the first (maybe only?) school for the blind in Uganda….

Linz is refurbishing a small farm in New England (with it’s own frustrations of tractor fixing and rockwall building). With QC checks from Bazil he is working on a solo project to keep Half The Magic. moving forward until Bazil has more free time to rejoin for a more pop/EDM focused effort.

Other contributors to Half The Magic. include friends of Bazil and Linz, Freesound.org, and a really awesome guy named Dave Sherman (AKA Lethal Deezy) who does the mixing and mastering- as well as breaking down knowledge areas that Lindsay lacks so he can expand his skills. Lindsay also collects samples from places he visits and teaches. Big thank you to Mastering.org for their help in learning all things music related.